Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New Year's Losing Eve

The only thing more painful than viewing the Timberwolves on New Year's Eve was switching the dial to watch Dick Clark. On the other hand, he does have more tenacity and courage than our club. In both cases, there's some letting go to be done.

With dear Mr. Clark, it's time for him to walk away. Coming back from the stroke to broadcast one time was inspiring. Now, it's embarrassing. There's plenty of ways he can contribute to HIS broadcast without having to be a rotating anchor.

As for our club, if they weren't so bad, one might think they were tanking these games.
What's remarkable about many of these losses is how quick it happens. We can see the bullet coming. For three quarters, they play good to mediocre against a bad Clippers club. Then late in the 3rd Cassell starts going to work, ably assisted by Maggette, Mobley and Kamman in the 4th, and voila, you have another loss. In the post game comments Wittman torches the guard play, but in truth the defense is as awful as the offense, and the coaching not much better. At 4-26, they stink.

However, a cynical fella at this point might be still be thinking, "Hmm...they did hold their best player out of games at the end of
two straight seasons. Why not hold one of your top players out in the BEGINNING of the season, ensure yourself of a high draft choice, and make a little run at the end to build a little buzz..." No, that can't possibly true...can it? A little more specificity from our coach and front office might help to ease those suspicious nerves.

For example, we were told at the beginning of the year one primary goal was to find a few good men to build around--outside of Jefferson and Foye.
After 30 games, I think it's safe to begin to evaluate our feckless youth, and establish a rotation that resembles being able to--in the words of the immortal Sweetwater Jones--separate the wheat from the chaff.

Happy New Year!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é http://www.provedorcrescenet.com . Um abraço.