Monday, March 26, 2007

Follow the Leader

Hey, KG actually hit a shot at the end of the game! One of those much discussed fade away shots, no less. At last count, I believe that's two for the season, with the overtime game against Philly earlier in the season being the other. Good for him.

KG is one of those interesting characters--great player, seemingly decent person, but mediocre leader. In the last couple of days we heard from him how draining it is to be a leader on this club. Leading the club to 30-39 record, no doubt it's a little tough. I think the rank and file of us with middle class values would tend to say: "you're the star dude, and you make around a 1/3 of the available cap salary on the team, you should suck it up and step up". That logic has its merits. Remember however, all things are not equal any more. The rich caste in this country have their own logic and perspective. Remember, it's that bastion of capitalism--Forbes--who developed criteria that established the Iron Ranger as the top notch exec in all sports. Us middle class goofs, left buying tickets to these games, are shaking our heads. How can this possibly be?

You can't make someone be who they're not. Conversely, if a player in a small market can't consistently hit a big shot at the end of the game, or be a positive influence in the locker room, may be they should ask for a little less money, and whine less about the lack of resources. When teams lose, the fault usually lies in multiple areas, just not everyone else. Right now, it looks like the leaders on the club are the ones doing the fingerpointing and refusing to be held accountable for this poor season, and everyone else is following suit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

KG is a great's everyone else on the team who has let him down. Stop being so negative! When all is said and done, he will go down as one of the greatest in the game.