Saturday, May 5, 2007

NBA Awards curse

Similar to the SI Cover jink, it looks like we have the NBA Awards curse. Dirk Nowitzki--the probable MVP winner--and Sam Mitchell, the Coach of the Year, both go down in the first round. Another reason why they should include the playoff matches before they hand out the awards. I'm happy for Sam, always a favorite of mine, but they should have been able to pull out the victory last night. He's come a long way though from having to be McHale's public spokesperson at every Wolves basketball related event. MLK day, intra-squad scrimmages, fan was yeoman's work for the fellow. He did what KG never could or wanted to do.

Now, he's the hot property for many teams looking for a new coach in the offseason. Indiana, Memphis, Charlotte--all are looking to hire him. Barreiro went off on a rant yesterday on his radio show, asking why the Wolves aren't considering him. He's always given to hyperbole, but it's a fair question. What has Randy done to deserve a chance at the top spot? The coaching situation is another example of a lost opportunity to build a stronger fan base.

Many of my previous posts have labeled the Wolves as an arrogant organization that shows a high level of distain for their fans, unless those fans buy the company pitch hook, line and sinker. No "fire McHale" signs at the T.Center, very few programs that allow input from the average fan--especially if you're not a season ticket holder--and no more summer league games, to name a few. Having avenues for fans to comment and express--either negative or positive--helps in both good times and bad.

For example, how about a poll asking the fans which coach they should hire? Of course, you can't do it now because they've committed to Wittman, but what would it be like to actually ask for fan input? What buzz it would create to keep KG, get a decent draft pick, and hire someone like Mitchell, all in the same off season! It wouldn't quite match the summer of Sam and Latrell, but after the last two fiascos of a season, it would be a welcome positive push in a different direction.

Just another idea lost in the wilderness....

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