Saturday, April 21, 2007

McHale's Gravy

We've heard the official announcement...he's baack! Step 1 of the Blueprint for Disaster. All the familiar bloggers, radio jocks and MSM columnists have weighed in, rather negatively obviously. I think though you have to step back a minute and admire the dynamic taking place here. After all, it is the American Dream: the boss is suckered, the payday is great, the hours and accountability are limited. It's what a lot of people dream of having: one official definition of gravy. From a rather twisted point of view, it's a beautiful thing.

My one piece of advice to the Iron Ranger...when you're giving press conferences, don't slurp your drink. Find subtler ways of showing disdain for the media and the larger fan base. Listening on headphones to the press conference on Thursday was annoying not only from the viewpoint of what he was saying, but from an audio perspective...slurping his drink before he would answer a question. Remarkable.

The NBA first round playoffs picks:

Toronto over Nets
Heat over Bulls
Cleveland over Washington
Pistons over Orlando
Mavs over Warriors
Houston over Utah
Phoenix over Lakers
Spurs over Nuggets

No real surprises here, the Bulls/Heat and Toronto/NJ series will be the most competitive, the Warriors/Mavs the most interesting for one game, because the Warriors matched up well against Cuban's club in the regular season. But, it WAS the regular season, and Don Nelson is the same as Flip Saunders, good regular season coach, mediocre playoff coach.

I do love this time of year!

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